Just a quick update on my progress with Malifaux, just a small thing really,

But I have decided to laminate my cards for each of my crew members, The guys at the club have already done theirs, and I thought it was a pretty good idea, seen as these cards will see action every time the models do, and although they are made from a high quality card, they are still likely to get pretty battered.

So I convinced my mother she really needed a laminator, and off she went to wilkinsons to get one.

Cost £9.99, and £1.60 for 25 A6 laminating pouches, seen as we’ll get some use out of it, its a worthwhile investment.

Pretty simple really, heres some pics of me laminating the cards.





card in pouch

card in pouch


card in laminator

card in laminator


laminated cards

laminated cards


close up card

close up card

Now from here I could cut them so the laminate is a nice neat edge round the card (not too close or it’ come apart), but for now I’m just going to leave them be, I’m on the lookout for an A6 ringbinder folder, if I find one, i have some space on each side of the cards to hole punch them and put them in a folder, as I assume I’m probably going to end up with quite a collection of these cards!

Something else thats been cropping up at the club are the need for counters to represent things like soulstones, corpses, scrap in the game, I’m going to be using these glass beads to represent my soulstones for now, cost £1 for a bag with about three times whats shown in the photo below. I think they should be sufficent to act as soulstones for our games
soulstone counters

soulstone counters

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