Inquisitor 54mm Bodyguard

I’ve got a list of “holy grail” miniatures.
These are the miniatures I’ve always wanted to have in my collection, or in some cases, get back to my collection.
The top of that list is the 54mm Vindicare Assassin.
Official GW Image of the Vindicare (Not mine!)

Official GW Image of the Vindicare (Not mine!)

I’ve had a couple of opportunities to get one over the years but finances have never worked out. I absolutely love it, it’s my favourite miniature ever produced. It’s not the greatest sculpt, and it’s not one I’ll even use much in a game! but whenever I see it I just think “That’s fucking awesome”, and that’s what it’s all about isn’t it?
But alas, that’s not the mini I’m posting about today…
I am posting about the 2nd highest on my list though. The 54mm Bodyguard (a.k.a Boatswain/Bosun) for inquisitor.
I don’t know what it is about this figure, it’s not particularly remarkable, but I’ve always wanted it. Maybe it was because I saw it when it was new and thought “he looks cool” but I never actually bought one. I don’t know, but I always wanted it.
I think the first time I saw this mini was in the inquisitor Magazine Exterminatus (Issue 7), it was one of very few miniatures I’d ever seen that was painted with facial hair, or rather, stubble. The magazine had a quick guide on how it was painted and this article stayed with me for many years, I haven’t managed to pull off stubble very well on a lot of the figures I’ve attempted it on, but what I have attempted was because of this article. 
Last week I was doing a search for inquisitor models on eBay and it came up on a buy it now for a very reasonable price. So I did. I bought it there and then.
Today it turned up!
Inquisitor 54mm Bodyguard Boatswain Bosun

Inquisitor 54mm Bodyguard Boatswain Bosun

One more mini to cross off the list!
I’m slowly but surely building up my collection of 54mm inquisitor figures over time. This is a real slow burn project which can now genuinely be measured in decades. Since I’m only in my early 30’s i think that’s quite an achievement. 

So far as of April 2018 my collection looks like this: 
Inquisitor Checklist April 2018

Inquisitor Checklist April 2018

These next couple of photos aren’t fully up to date, but close enough, Even though I’ve been collecting these for 16 years, they haven’t progressed far through my painting que! 
I will however be making a concerted effort to paint some more of them by the end of 2018, as I have big plans for inquisitor in 2019!
All the books together

All the books together

The not so built ones (a couple of rare ones in here!)

The not so built ones (a couple of rare ones in here!)

The Built inquisitor Models

The Built inquisitor Models

So what are your Holy grail figures? 
Let me know below in the comments! 

Please also consider liking and sharing my facebook page if you like the content you’ve found here. 

About The Author

Chris has been a Wargamer since he was 12 years old, progressing through 40k, WFB now playing a diverse range of games from 15mm WW2, to space combat games, and even the odd game of judge dredd.

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