Design-a-Cake Ebay store admin March 18, 2011 Web Over the past couple of days I have been designing and putting together a replacement ebay store template for Design-a-cake. This eBay template is my second one, the first being for Max Merch, that was a real...
Design-a-cake Newsletter, one week on. admin March 18, 2011 Graphics, Web It's been one week (pretty much down to the minute!) since I sent out my first mass mailout for Design-a-cake, If you read my first post on this you'll know that I sent out 3663 emails, all to individuals...
Mordheim/Malifaux Scenery repairs admin March 15, 2011 Malifaux Last sunday I decided to fix some scenery instead of playing a game. A few years ago, Games workshop produced a game called Mordheim which was VERY popular at our club, they had a range of card terrain (as...
Newsletter – signup graphics admin March 11, 2011 Graphics Today I launched my first email mailout campaign, using mailchimp, for my work (design-a-cake), I've been working on the template for a while now among other things, but, today I actually sent my first...
Malifaux – Another game admin March 7, 2011 Malifaux 2 Comments I managed to get a game at the club today, I used my Viktorias (25 soulstone game, same crew as last time, Vik's, Taelor, x3 ronin) I played Von Schill's crew, against my mate Dave, I had a look through our...
Malifaux – Progress admin March 5, 2011 Malifaux 1 Comment #post-container { overflow: hidden; margin: 0px 0 10px 0; } #post-container>* { width: 100%; float: left; margin: 0; } #post-container>#post-container-p { margin-left: -100%;...
Renegades – A RATM tribute Band DVD admin March 4, 2011 Graphics way back in 2007, I filmed a Band called Renegades play in Manchester, they were a Rage against the machine Tribute band, who wanted to get their gig filmed and turned into a DVD. Unfortunately, the project...
HTML email template admin March 4, 2011 g33k So this is what I'm working on at the moment, a HTML email template for my work (Design a Cake), here is a picture of the design for the basic template so far: This is a JPEG render from the photoshop...
Mobi-Cart admin March 4, 2011 g33k So, I stumbled across this the other day, its a free m-commerce app for the ipod/ipad/android phone. It's called Mobi-Cart, My boss has been talking about wanting to do an iphone app for quite a while now, as...
Malifaux – The second game admin March 4, 2011 Malifaux 1 Comment So last night I played my second game of malifaux, and I have to say that if I wasn't hooked before, I definatly am now! On Monday, sometime in the early afternoon I ordered the Viktorias Box set, and also a...